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Dr. Kathy Rumer

Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in the Philadelphia tri-state area who has deep experience with Gender Affirming Surgery and a practice that is geared exclusively toward transgender patients. Her latest research in the field of Gender Surgery is focused on the outcomes, complications and risk factors for patients undergoing Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty.

Latest Research

Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment Surgery: An Institutional Analysis of Outcomes, Short-term Complications, and Risk Factors for 240 Patients Undergoing Penile-Inversion Vaginoplasty.
Levy, J. A., Edwards, D. C., Cutruzzula-Dreher, P., McGreen, B. H., Akanda, S., Tarry, S., Belkoff, L. H., & Rumer, K. L. (2019).  Urology, 131, 228–233.
From November 2016 to April 2018, 240 penile-inversion vaginoplasties were performed. Median follow-up was 87 days. At short-term follow-up, gender-affirmation surgery is associated with low rates of reoperation and revision and few major complications when performed by an experienced, high-volume surgeon. Patient selection and compliance is imperative.

Complications of the neovagina in male-to-female transgender surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis with discussion of management.
Dreher, P. C., Edwards, D., Hager, S., Dennis, M., Belkoff, A., Mora, J., Tarry, S., & Rumer, K. L. (2018). Clinical anatomy, 31(2), 191–199.
The aim of this review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the epidemiology, presentation, management, and outcomes of neovaginal complications in the MtF transgender reassignment surgery patients. The most common complication was stenosis of the neo-meatus (14.4%). Wound infection was associated with an increased risk of all tissue-healing complications. Use of sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSL) was associated with a significantly decreased risk of prolapse of the neovagina.

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