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Dr. Christopher McClung

Compassionate and Experienced Gender Surgeon in Ohio

Dr. Christopher McClung, MD is a board-certified urologist in Columbus, Ohio who specializes in gender-affirming genital surgery. His path to becoming a Gender Surgeon started with providing surgical solutions for complex urinary complications in patients who had bottom surgery elsewhere. In 2017, Dr. McClung started offering primary gender-affirming surgeries, including Vaginoplasty and Phalloplasty, and his practice is now fully dedicated to providing this care.

Dr. McClung earned his medical degree at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and completed residency training at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. His advanced fellowship training in urologic reconstruction took place at the University of Washington in Seattle. Following his training, Dr. McClung’s practice was focused on reconstructive surgeries for cisgender people, including patients born with congenital genitourinary anomalies and those with urinary injury. His experience with complex reconstructions provided an ideal background for expanding into gender-affirming genital surgery.

Dr. McClung is board-certified in urology and maintains membership in the American Urological Association  and the Genitourinary Reconstruction Society.

Bottom Surgery in Ohio

Dr. McClung has performed over 200 feminizing bottom surgeries, including:

  • Orchiectomy – Removal of the testes. This procedure can be done as a standalone procedure or at the time as Vaginoplasty.
  • Scrotectomy – Removal of the scrotum. (Not recommended for patients who may seek Vaginoplasty in the future as it removes skin that is needed for Vaginoplasty.)
  • Vulvoplasty – Creation of vulva. For those who don’t desire a vaginal canal.
  • Vaginoplasty – Creation of vulva and vagina. Dr. McClung uses the penile inversion method. Permanent hair removal is required prior to surgery.
  • Penile-sparing Vaginoplasty – Creation of vagina without removal of the penis.

Dr. McClung also specializes in masculinizing bottom surgery:

  • Metoidioplasty – Creation of a small penis using clitoral tissue. Simple release only or the surgery can include urethral lengthening, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty and testicular implants.
  • Phalloplasty – Creation of a penis using donor tissue from the forearm, thigh or back. The surgery can also include glansplasty, urethral lengthening, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty, and testicular and penile implants. Dr. McClung works closely with board-certified plastic and microsurgeon Dr. Santosh Kale to perform Phalloplasty.

With a background in urologic reconstruction, Dr. McClung has the experience and skill needed to address post-operative urinary complications should they arise, offering a continuity of care from your primary surgery through to completion.

Dr. McClung is associated with OhioHealth Grant Medical Center and also performs surgeries at Onyx and Pearl Surgical Suites and Dublin Surgery Center.

In addition to his deep knowledge of urology and reconstructive surgery, Dr. McClung’s patients also appreciate his calm and gentle bedside manner.

Dr. McClung and his staff are proud to offer a truly gender-affirming experience at Reconstructive Surgical Arts. The staff has received training in transgender inclusivity, intake forms are gender-affirming and the office has single stall bathrooms.

Everyone at Reconstructive Surgical Arts looks forward to the upcoming Pride season in Columbus where they will be setup to provide information for those considering surgery with Dr. McClung.

Surgery Eligibility

  • BMI below 35
  • Age 19+

Insurance & Financing
Dr. McClung accepts insurance from a number of insurance companies, including Cigna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and UnitedHealthcare. If your insurance plan covers gender-affirming surgery, contact Dr. McClung’s office to find out if it is a plan that he can work with.

For patients without insurance, Dr. McClung also accepts medical financing such as CareCredit. Approximate out-of-pocket costs, exclusive of facility and anesthesia fees, are as follows:

ProcedurePrice (USD)
Vulvoplasty$12,000 - $20,000
Vaginoplasty$15,000 - $30,000
Phalloplasty$45,000 - $60,000

Booking Your Consultation
Dr. McClung is available for phone, virtual and in-person consultations for a fee of $150. The wait time for a consult is one month. A surgery date can usually be booked approximately nine months following consultation.