The First Surgeon in New Jersey to Offer the Full Spectrum of Gender Affirming Surgeries
Dr. Jonathan Keith, MD, FACS is a board-certified and fellowship-trained Plastic Surgeon with expertise in Gender Affirmation Surgery. He is the first surgeon in New Jersey to offer the full range of gender-affirming procedures, including Top Surgery, Phalloplasty, Facial Surgery and Vaginoplasty. He works closely with his team of health professionals from Urology, Gynecology, Internal Medicine and Psychiatry to provide comprehensive and compassionate care for transgender and non-binary people. Dr. Keith also operates in New York City.
Dr. Keith completed his 7-year residency at the University of Pittsburgh, one of the most well-respected plastic surgery training programs in the United States. In 2012, he was awarded the Stephen S. Kroll Fellowship in microsurgery at the University Hospital of Gent, Belgium, making him only the fourth American to earn this distinction. During his fellowship, Dr. Keith gained expert experience in cutting edge techniques in microsurgery and Gender Affirmation Surgery.
Dr. Keith is a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
Dr. Keith has co-authored many peer-reviewed academic papers on Gender Surgery. His latest research is focused on improving Top Surgery outcomes, identifying barriers in accessing gender-affirming care and navigating insurance policies.
Masculinizing Surgery
Dr. Keith performs all types of Top Surgery. The patient’s preferences and anatomy determine the best approach. Important anatomical factors to consider are skin elasticity, size of the nipple-areola complex, and chest size and shape.
For genital surgery, Dr. Keith offers both Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty. Radial Forearm and Anterolateral Thigh are favorable donor sites for Phalloplasty as they offer sensation, however Dr. Keith can also perform Abdominal Phalloplasty when RFF and ALT are contraindicated or don’t suit a patient’s needs. Dr. Keith employs the “Big Ben” or London methodology for staging Phalloplasty, where urethral “hookup” is performed at Stage 2. For Scrotoplasty, Dr. Keith uses the technique that includes VY advancement of labial flaps. He uses a modified Horton technique for Glansplasty, and can also incorporate the palmaris tendon to augment the bulk of the coronal ridge with RFF Phalloplasty.
Dr. Keith’s team includes Reconstructive Urologist Dr. Karl Coutinho, who works with Dr. Keith for implantation of Testicular Implants and/or Erectile Implants. Dr. Coutinho also offers repair surgeries for urological complications following Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty. Due to the higher risk of fistula and stricture formation, Dr. Keith requires Vaginectomy if Urethral Lengthening is to be performed.
Feminizing Surgery
Dr. Keith performs multiple types of feminizing genital surgery to meet different patients’ goals including simply removing the testicles (Orchiectomy), creation of a vulva without a vaginal canal (Vulvoplasty), and the penile inversion method of creating a vagina (Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty). Dr. Keith uses a robotic approach with Vaginoplasty, offering superior safety, decreased rates of stricture, and a minimally invasive method for harvesting a peritoneal graft which functions as vaginal mucosa.
To feminize facial features such as the hairline, brow, nose, chin and neck line, Dr. Keith offers:
- Forehead Contouring
- Cheek Augmentation
- Rhinoplasty
- Lip Augmentation
- Jaw Reduction/Contouring
- Chin Surgery
- Tracheal Shave (Thyroid Cartilage Reduction)
Breast Augmentation provides a feminine breast contour by using silicone or saline breast implants that are inserted through an incision under the breast, in the armpit, or around the nipple. Fat grafting can also be used to improve results, either on its own or in conjunction with breast implants. There are significant differences between trans and cis chest measurements that have implications with Breast Augmentation. For example, many trans women have a wider sternum and therefore increased space between the breasts, and fat grafting can be an extremely useful tool for improving the cleavage plane and tail of Spence areas.
Dr. Keith’s practice also has a laser-certified technician in-house for laser hair removal.
Dr. Keith is affiliated with Cooperman Barnabus Medical Center in Livingston and University Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, and Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
Surgery Requirements
Dr. Keith follows WPATH guidelines for surgery:
- You will need to provide two referrals from qualified mental health professionals for genital procedures; one referral for other procedures unless otherwise specified by insurance.
- A letter from your hormone specialist stating you have been on 12 months of continuous hormones for genital procedures, unless clinically contraindicated.
- Dr. Keith will operate on minors with parental consent.
Financing & Insurance
Dr. Keith accepts insurance from a wide number of insurance companies, as well as Medicaid (NJ, NY, out-of-state) and Medicare. He also accepts credit/debit cards, cashier’s check, money order and wire transfer.
Booking a Consultation
Dr. Keith is available for in-person consultations. Contact his office to book your consultation.
Current wait list: 6 months.